Jake's ReadMe
👋 Hey there! I'm Jake - the Engineering Manager for Canvas at Zapier.
Professionally, I'm an engineer with a deep interest in building - whether that's building a product or building a team. Outside of work, I'm an adventurous extravert who likes trying new foods, music and shows. My main interests are things outside whether it's surfing, skiing, or hiking.
🏄♂️ how I work
🙏 my values
- minimal process
- strong opinions, loosely held
- question everything, disrupt our assumptions
- customer and data driven development
- simple > clever
- communication should be concise
- collaboration is key
- extreme programming
- thoughtfulness
💪 my strengths
- technical guidance with architecture or AI
- soft skills coaching
- creating a collaborative team culture
- cross team leadership
- conflict resolution and relationship management
🌱 my growth areas
- our team is growing rapidly, so managing our fast customer-value delivery pace in 2025
- building a stronger birds-eye view
☎️ communicating with me
📺 channels
- slack is the best way to reach me
- send a DM or @ me where you need input
- for longer or more nuanced discussions I love impromptu zooms/huddles
🕖 time
- I work 8-4 Pacific Time
- I keep my calendar up to date so when booking over meetings please ask first
- I try to keep the later part of my week light on meetings to provide focus time
⛵️ 1:1s with direct reports
- my primary goal is to support you - as such I leave the agenda largely up to you
- our 1:1s can have as much or as little structure as you would like
- when requesting feedback, I can provide the best feedback if you’re specific
- for example: “Could you give me feedback on ___ MR, I want to know what you think about how I designed ___ function” will get better feedback from me than “Could you give me feedback on MRs”
- anything sensitive we discuss is within our circle of trust
- it’s important to me to have personal relationships with the people I work with, I love talking about things outside of work
final note
this readme is a work in progress, so if there is something you'd like to know please ask!
thank you for taking the time to read my readme